- 2 cups | |
- 1.5 -2 pounds | |
- 2 large heads | |
- 1.5 packs | |
- 1 head | |
- 1 pack (15 g) | |
- to taste |
Some words before pilaf making.
I prefer ready sliced carrot. Just because it is faster. But if you want you can cut it by youself.
Spices... Again, usually I buy some ready spices for pilaf in Russian store but you have to know what spices go in there, so as not to depend on whether there is a Russian store nearby or not. :) Mandatory spices: coriander, sweet red pepper, black pepper and zira. And optional , but I really like to add them: saffron, turmeric and barberry. Everything should be put to your taste.
Okay, you can start. :)
1. Wash the rice in cold water, pour cold water (water should be 1 cm above the rice) and set aside for now.
2. Heat a cup of butter in a deep pan on medium heat. (To understand that the oil warmed up you need to dip a wooden spoon into the oil. If the oil is heated, bubbles will appear around the spoon.)
3. Add the chicken pieces to the butter and mix.
The oil will become cloudy.
Fry the chicken, stirring occasionally, until the oil is clear again.
4. Add chopped onions and stir all together. Fry for about 5 minutes.
5. Add chopped carrots and fry for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionaly.
6. Spread chicken with carrots and onions with a spatula and lay the rice on top straight with water and smooth with a spatula. Again, the water should be 1 cm above the level of rice. So you may have to pour water. DO NOT MIX !!!
7. When the water boils, reduce the heat (somewhere between medium and low) and wait until all the water disappears.
8. Periodically poke pilaf with a wooden spatula to check if there is still water.
9. Wash garlic (whole head) in cold water. When all the water disappears, add spices and salt to the pilaf, mix everything well.
10. Stick the garlic head in the middle of the pilaf, cover the pilaf with the lid, turn off the heat and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
11. Enjoy your meal!
smeshatx rukami. Polozhitx v paket i ostavitx na 20 minut. Podgotovitx nachinku.
1/2 stakana smeshatx s percem, dobavitx soli, otstavix.
porezatx bekon ili kolbasu na melkie kusochki.
porezatx luk na polukolxca.
poteretx syr na krupnuju terku.
=================================================================== 2 стакана муки 2/3 стакана воды 3 ст. ложки оливкового масла соль смешать руками. Положить в пакет и оставить на 20 минут. Подготовить начинку. 1/2 стакана сметаны лук бекон или что есть сыр эмменталь 200 г (7oz) на крупную терку соль перец 1/2 стакана сметаны смешать с перцем, добавить соли, отставить. порезать бекон или колбасу на мелкие кусочки. порезать лук на тонкие полукольца. потереть сыр на крупную терку.
Ingredients for 1.8 liters ( 2 qt. ) of Kvass: